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Mindray Datascope Patient Monitor
PM-8000 Express / DPM 4 by Mindray Datascope

PM-8000 Express / DPM 4
with ECG, BP, SPO2, Printer, Optional CO2
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The Mindray-Datascope PM-8000 Express (DPM4) is a portable patient monitor ideal for use across a variety of clinical settings due to its compact size and simple design. Intended to meet basic continuous monitoring needs, it focuses on providing core capability in an uncomplicated manner. Its high resolution color display offers a surprisingly vibrant view of your patient's physiological data, making it practical for use at the bedside or on transport. Available with or without invasive blood pressure measurement, PM-8000 delivers the flexibility you need in order to properly respond to your patients' changing needs. Pre-operative areas, medical/surgical departments, general floors and beyond will want to consider this very effective, yet surprisingly affordable monitoring solution. Summary of PM-8000 Express / DPM 4
Features and Benefits
- 8.4 TFT display, configurable
up to 8 waveforms, enables
maximum data analysis of your
most critical parameters
- Standard features include
3/5-lead ECG, non-invasive
blood pressure, DPM SpO2,
pulse rate, respiration, dualchannel
temperature, lithium
ion battery, and integrated
- Optional features include
Masimo SET(R) SpO2 and
dual-channel invasive blood
- Selectable display modes allow
you to adjust data layouts
based on particular patient
- 96-hours of graphic and list
trends, NIBP list including 800
measurements and alarm event
recall for 70 alarm episodes
for comprehensive historical
review of all parameters
- 40-seconds of full disclosure
waveform recall for detailed
review of physiological events
- 3-trace recorder for printing
real-time and historical data is
included as standard
- Compact flash back-up
included on every device
protects your patient's data
should a sudden loss of power
- Nurse call interface allows
connection to most hospital
call systems

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